It's a brave little boy...who loved Thomas the train...
Or a special heart bear...or a frog in the rain....
It's the need to remember...we are all in this plight....
It's their lives that remind us... we still need to fight!
It's in pushing ahead amidst every sorrow...
It is finding the strength to have hope for tomorrow.

Monday, 21 June 2010


Sorry I haven't updated for a while, things kind of take over.

Since Ethan stopped his oral antibiotics he has had a bad chest and chesty cough - not bad enough for him to go in more than once but so he sounds like a 90 year old smoker.

We have our appointment with Dr Spencer on Thursday about his chest and possible asspiration so I'm hoping they give us some answers.

At Ethans first outpatients since coming home they wanted to do a detailed echo to check his new diagnosis of hypoplastic pulmonary artery. But in true Ethan style he wouldn't let them. So we have to go in for a sedated echo and also bloods to check for infection as he has had temperatures on and off since we got out of hospital - not huge temps though so not a major concern (just a niggle!).

In general, he is doing well he has been napping and not eating huge amounts. But he is miles better than before the operation so thats good! Here he is in full England supporter mode!

Saturday, 19 June 2010

High Calorie Foods

These are the high calorie shakes that Ethan gets on prescription - ask your dietician about Peadisure, or Calogen. You can also get additives to put in their drinks.

High calorie shakes

I found these high cal milk shakes in tesco extra thought you might like them . They do them in strawberry choc and banana x